In Germany alone, one in four adults suffers from obesity. Numerous nutrition apps are competing for market share: they provide information about the disease, offer diet and exercise plans and the possibility to chat with nutrition advisors. The problem is that the effectiveness of nutrition apps has not yet been proven by studies. In addition to digital helpers, people with overweight and obesity should of course also work towards a change in lifestyle.
The figures are alarming: "Two thirds of men (67 percent) and half of women (53 percent) in Germany are overweight. A quarter of adults (23 percent of men and 24 percent of women) are severely overweight (obese). Overweight and obesity are contributory causes of many complaints and can promote the development of chronic diseases. Due to the increasing prevalence and the associated secondary diseases, considerable costs arise for the health and social system. Overweight and obesity are therefore topics of high public health relevance," says the Robert Koch Institute.
The newsletter "Handelsblatt Digital Health" now reports with current reference: "In the Corona pandemic, obesity has come more into focus. People with severe obesity fall ill more severely or die of covid. In Germany alone, one in four adults suffers from obesity. Numerous nutrition apps are vying for market share: they provide information about the disease, offer diet and exercise plans and the possibility to chat with nutritionists. Investors therefore place great hope in digital nutrition advice."
Digital products in nutrition counselling
For example, Eckhardt Weber, managing director of venture capitalist Heal Capital, has been observing the market for a while, according to "Handelsblatt Digital Health": "Brands like Weight Watchers are increasingly relying on digital products," he says. Nevertheless, the many providers still keep him from investing himself. In the future, he hopes for an enhancement in the apps: a so-called feedback loop. "Not only is the goal - weight reduction - accompanied, but patients receive parameters on the way to the goal beforehand," Eckhardt Weber is quoted as saying by "Handelsblatt Digital Health". This would allow patients to permanently monitor how they need to adjust their eating habits or sporting activity in order to achieve the optimal result.
The problem at the moment is that the effectiveness of nutrition apps cannot yet be proven by studies. Christina Holzapfel is a nutritionist at the Else Kröner-Fresenius Centre for Nutritional Medicine at the Technical University of Munich and says, according to "Handelsblatt Digital Health", that the trial period is too short. "Many studies only show results after a few weeks or months." The medical guidelines, for example, stipulate that obese patients should be able to maintain their weight for a longer period of time - at least one year. The nutritionist sees great potential for apps in the area of intolerances: there, ingredients of food could be determined via a barcode. "Such applications will be used by sufferers for a long time and represent real added value," the trade medium quotes.
Change eating habits in the long term
In addition to digital aids, people with overweight and obesity should of course also work towards changing their lifestyle. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends getting one hour of exercise per day. This already includes walking to the bakery and taking the stairs instead of the lift - a good start. Would you like to exercise? Then you need an individually tailored exercise programme, preferably in consultation with your doctor. A balanced diet is also important. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, little fat and sugar, and at the same time about two litres of water a day - that will lead you to your goal in the long run. If you really want to lose weight, you cannot avoid changing your eating habits in the long term.
Equally important: a sufficient supply of healthy, natural vital substances. These include protein and the amino acids it contains. They help you reach your desired weight and then maintain it. Because protein makes you feel fuller for longer, and your body needs calories to burn it off. Most importantly, protein also prevents you from losing muscle instead of fat when you lose weight. CLA, a natural polyunsaturated fatty acid, also helps eliminate belly fat quickly. CLA boosts fat burning, reduces fat absorption from food and lowers levels of the protein leptin, which causes weight gain. Vitamin C also contributes to normal energy metabolism. Magnesium, zinc, chromium, iodine and also biological substances such as green coffee have also proven to be great weight loss supporters.
Putting the body into a state of ketosis
Natural vital substances also help with 24-hour fat burning and the general conversion of the metabolism. The Natura Vitalis product "Keto28" contains exogenous, i.e. externally supplied, ketones. These are chemical compounds in the liver that are used instead of carbohydrates for all cells to produce energy. The great advantage of exogenous ketones: While people who want to lose weight have to wait up to twelve weeks for endogenous ketones (ketones produced by the body itself) to take effect, exogenous ketones, i.e. ketones supplied from outside, take effect within just 60 minutes! This means that after taking the Keto28 product, the body is already in a state of ketosis within just 60 minutes.
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